Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Transfer Crush Tuesday: Jenny Sawhney (04/07/15)

HEY HAPPY TUESDAY!!! Today our transfer crush is Jenny Sawhney!! she is an awesome transfer student who has been involved on campus and has even been part of travel abroad!
Here is more about Jenny:

I transferred to UCLA Fall 2013 from Santa Rosa Junior College in Northern California as a Global Studies Major. I am currently writing my senior thesis on music of the Caribbean & hip hop in Cuba, I... hold a position in Alumni Scholars Club, am part of a sorority, and try to work out 3-4 times a week while getting 8 hours of sleep.

When I first came to UCLA, I was driven to make the most of my time here, but that was overshadowed by the loneliness I initially felt. My first quarter was just academically and emotionally difficult. I eventually found a really solid group of friends who were also going through the same experiences as me – other transfers! We all came from different places and backgrounds, but I think we found a lot of solace in one another because we were going through the transition together. It definitely took some time to develop such strong friendships, but it has made my experience worthwhile. I would suggest to other transfers to take every day one step at a time. Don’t be afraid to reach out to other people if you feel low and try to take in all the crazy, hectic, amazing things happening around you. It goes by quickly!

If you would like to get some advice for her on how she balances everything in her schedule or about what she has participated in shes a very cheerful and welcoming person and is ready to help out her fellow transfers!!

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